Dots, splash, mirrors & render - Mon 24/11/08

Mon 24/11/08. Lunchtime dash to site, at the hope of seeing the house open (smashing that window was becoming too much of a temptation...).

Renderers were on site applying our Woodland Grey.
Given the cost of render, I had anticipated seeing a fleet of Mercedes Benz's and BMWs parked out front..!

There was also someone inside doing a VERY thorough inspection of all walls, ceilings and frames, and in the process deploying what looked like over a hundred little coloured stickers. What impressed me with this was that I'll be dammed if I could identify the faults around many of the stickers...!!
Can't say he was happy for me to be on site (they just don't appreciate the mental punishment we go through to build a new house), so my stay was brief. Glad I dropped by nonetheless.

Rendering completed. Also confirmed this morning that our "Scorpion" red 104 front doors will have their gloss coat applied AFTER PCI.

New splash. Now awaiting the arrival of my free standing BBB.
("Big Bastard Blanco")

Under cupboard downlights in. (damm.... forgot to turn them on for a look..)

Transformers for the above downlights. A false bottom will be built above these (did that make sense..?). Along with the 2 downlights under the garage door eaves, these are the only low voltage halogens I have gone for. The remaining downlights throughout the house will be 240v Compact Fluorescent.

Not so clean mirrors


Lots of these....



Anonymous said...

David, all I can say is ...
Oh, oh & oh WOW!
How great is your house looking! You'd be feeling pretty damn good right about now.

I was drooling all over my keyboard at your awesome red splash. And then your render! It looks fabulous. The whole house looks really sharp. I'm grinnin' for ya!

Dare you to break in and add some more coloured post-it notes all over the place, hehehehe.


BelleBeau said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that red splashback. Simply stunning!! Glad to see that PD are starting to be a bit more disconcerning in the quality of the house before the PCI. Good for you, hope that it is all fixed up before the PCI and you get in for christmas.

Anonymous said...

I always hit the "PUBLISH" button too quick, especially when I'm excited. So, here's the rest of my comment.

I've just been looking back through your photos, particularly in this post and yes, I'm still drooling :\,,,,

I have to say, your brickwork, especially the brick blending, is absolutely superb (considering the saga we had). Congrats to your brickies!

DeGaul said...

Thanks BelleBeau. Haven't been confident about ALL our colours, but I always anticipated the red splash coming up very nice. The downlihghts should fire it off even better.

Liana. We love our bricks, but don't be fooled Our garage has some very unusual brick patterns inside, we had a wonky pillar earlier, we have (your) fat and skinny gaps, and my rubber separation filler looked rather average (before being buried under the silicon)

Petal said...

WOW - that red splash back is quite spectacular! LOL - you'd like my DD's ensuite - she has a red mosaic feature in her shower ;-)

The red dots/post-it notes all over are quite disconcerting aren't they? Good to see they're being pedantic, though - we were the same, we couldn't see why some of them were there, either, but I wouldn't tell them that!!!

I'm guessing the mystery Measles applier was the BSS inspector??? Our SS did ours - we haven't had that final BSS insp yet.

I'm hearing you re- breaking in through a window......!

Toni said...

OH WOW!!!! Yep there's that "W" word being used again. Bet your pleased you made that dash over a lunch time.

So I'm guessing that the guy there was your final BSS inspector? Great that you got to see all the stickers, shame you couldn't see any defects hehehe

And what's with them putting their bags on your QQ bench top!!!

Splashback looks fab as I knew it would, looks great with your QQ. Downlights under cupboards are a great idea. Love the WG render and nice to have mirrors to finish off the rooms.

Enjoy! oh and I love the "BBB", you know that I'll always think of that now when I look at mine :-)

So where is that garage door? And I'm with Liana I think your brickies have done a great job.


Awallace said...

Hi David

Gee looking good.... same colour as our portico, woodland grey..:)

All the stickers, are from the recent BSS inspection. Take note of each of the stickers, and take pics of the suspect area, where the sticker is.... Then note these down at PCI with your SS. Note: Not all of the BSS inspected items get fixed, depends on how persistent you are to bring them to PD's attention and get them resolved.

Splashback looks great, ours is liberte blue. They are so easy to clean, much better than tiles.

Chat soon


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that each colour of those post-it notes means something different. Do you know why they use different colours and what each colour means?

I can see pink, yellow, orange and green ones (Gawd ... I sound like a Play School addict).


DeGaul said...

Petal. It's tough not being able to get in and look at those finishing touches come together. But not to worry. You are potentialy days away from being handed a set of keys, and THAT is a good thought.

Toni. Yep, bit strange not being able to ID all the defects that the inspector did. Not complaining for a minute though.
Garage door...? Hopefully soon, particularly as you have had yours for a month now...!

Andy. Always good to hear from you mate. Given our house is locked up like Fort Knox at the moment, and my visit today wasn't overly welcome, I have little chance of documenting the stickers (not to mention there were heaps of them..).
I'm glad the splashbacks are easy to clean, because while I love to cook, I DO have a bit of messy reputation in the kitchen..! (Suzi sends me OUTSIDE to make my apple pies...!!)

DeGaul said...

Liana. I asked the BSS guy the same question.
His response? " know you're not meant to be in the house..."?
I think the colouring may be internal PD colour codes. ie

Pink - Major slab structural failure
Yellow - Roof collapse imminent
Orange - Termites detected
Green - Rare good finish.

Anonymous said...

Bahaha! Priceless reply, David!

All the PD supervisors must have been trained to make that threatening statement "you know you're not meant to be in here".

Reminds me of my head-master at high school, who recited the "you've been warned" speech, when I skipped chemistry class and got caugh smoking in the toilets!

So in response to the colour-coding of the post-it notes, I really think that it is now essential that you get yourself some blue or purple ones (cos they haven't used those colours) and stick 'em in strategic places on your 1st floor ceilings. If anyone asks what the blue and purple ones are for, just tell them it's where the upstairs supporting walls will go for the 3rd storey!


R&C's Brookvale 45 Home said...

Guys, that splash back looks really something. The bricks look great too, what were they again?. LOL at your color coding in your message below. I am sure the green stands for something else,lol.

DeGaul said...

Hi R&C. I'm guessing you are happy home builders now you have some bricks going down. Perhaps dropping off a slab of beer tomorrow may keep the boys on site for the rest of the week..!

Our brick colour/style is La Mesa. They are Category 6 bricks, and weren't cheap. Suzi and I were more than happy with some of the Cat' 1 styles, but hard-arse Sanctuary Lakes insisted on Category 4 or above. Nothing much stood out in the Cat4 or 5 range, so hence these, and a little more from the bank...!! gggrrr...


Love the idea of sneaking (breaking) in and putting up your own coloured stickers - that would really confuse them. Think Andy's advice is great - you would never know whether they fixed the probs or just pulled the stickers off???
..and what is it with the PD reps and "you know you shouldn't be here?". I'm sorry , I thought these were our homes that we paid for. Makes you worry that they don't want us poking around and finding problems doesn't it.
You must be counting down to key handover.

DeGaul said...

Hi Gang. I agree. It's a bit rough not being welcome into your own home. Most of the time I have been welcome in no probs, but I suspect PD treat the BSS inspection more as an internal process that is meant to be done away from the customers eyes..!
They have certainly found things I would never have picked, but at the same time have placed NO colured sticker on my ugly HT bulkhead bow...!!

Anonymous said...

Got an update for us yet, David?
Keys? Taking off roof tiles to get in? Blue post-it notes?


DeGaul said...

ha.....I abandoned coming down through the roof, as well as coming up through the slab...!! Very frustrating not being able to get in and turn lights on and off..!
Next Monday 10am is our PCI. Handover planned for 12th Dec.
Bloody week is going very slow.

I rang the council today and ordered my bins for the new house. Another milestone...?

What's happening with that mighty Windsor?

Mike and Val said...

Hi DG,

Mind to share who is your driveway concretor and also how much they charge (per sqm).
