Ready for living - Tue 23/12/08

Tue 23/12/08. Quick update.
I am now living at our house. The rest of the family will join me this weekend, which is our big move (may the force be with us).

Our carpet was completed today, and despite the boys bolting without doing an expected vacuum, it looks terrific.
Since taking over the keys 11 days ago, the house has looked pretty average from laying and cutting laminate (dust and grime), tools everywhere, and new furniture stacked up on each other awaiting carpet laying.

Tonight, the house got a full vacuum and furniture was deployed. The entire house has now taken on a warmly feel and is now ready for the family to join me.

Downstairs Living Room. New lounge suite and panel slides to sliding doors ....not so new TV..!!


HT Room. Really happy with this room. It's just screaming for those red theatre chairs to be brought around. (furniture in above shot will be for alfresco)

Dining. Panel slides to bifolds and roller blinds to dining window.

Editors room

Master suite. More panel glides to balcony sliding door, as well as white shutter blinds.
So, our big weekend approaches. Will surely be one of stress, sweat and emotion, and I just know that come Monday, our house may not look as neat and clean as above.......!!. I'm going to keep focused on the end result. Next blog update next week.
So, to all my blogger friends, a warm and happy Christmas to you all.


Awallace said...

Hi David

Your home is looking very nice, love those panel glides...nice colour too... :)

With the flooring complete, and furniture in, it really starts to feel like home... congrats to you all... im sure its been a long 6 months....:)

All the best for the weekend. Moving is not a nice job.... but all worth it in the end..

Merry christmas to you all, guys must have behaved during the year , as Santa has given you a nice cremorne to live in....:) Welcome to the cremorne owners club...:)

Chat soon

Andy & Simone

Toni said...

oh wow!!! Well done!! It looks like a house! Congrats.....again.

Yep, definitely won't look as clean and tidy by Sunday BUT you will get there and soon you'll be all unpacked and living normally.

We'll both be moving in at the same time. This time next week I'll be ready to pass out :-)

Furniture looks great. Love it all. Nice alfresco furniture too. Panel glides look great as do the blinds. Love the cat bed ;-)

Good luck, have fun and Merry Christmas. We hope you all have a relaxing Christmas Day. I've really enjoyed travelling together with our new homes. We look forward to having a beer with you soon in one or the other - I don't drink wine :-)

Enjoy your beautiful home, it looks great.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you have time to maintain your blog as well as doing all that work at the house!
Have you got some little elves helping you?

House looks great! Amazing what a sweep and vac can do for the house.

Good luck with the big move this weekend. Have lots of beer breaks!

I like you BBCB ("Big Bad Computer Box" :)

Best wishes for Xmas.
Hope to catch up with you some time soon.


Bernadette and Perry said...

DG, way to go. You must be very pleased, and I think you've picked a great time to move. The place looks great, and it amazes me how even though some of us have the same house, they are all different, they are individual and have their own character. Great picture - I particularly like "down the guts". :-) Sometimes I notice the filenames.... Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hope to catch up in the New Year.

DeGaul said...

Thanks Andy. I'll barely have enough energy to lift that Crown Lager on Sunday evening.

Toni. I may call you on Sunday night to see if you are a gibbering mess like me. I'm betting you may be onto your 6th Crowny by then....!! Good luck mate.

Liana. Plenty of time to do things, particularly when I am averaging 5 hrs sleep a night..!! your comment re BBCB. While we are at it, do you like my BBBL? (Bloody Ball Breaking Laminate)

DeGaul said...

Perry. Thanks mate. I agree that it's great to see each Cremorne in its own different style and charm. Looking forward to seeing a few others throughout 2009. (oh oh.... there I go dropping subtle hints again...!)

hYSteRIcAL said...

Congratulations, it looks great, especially the floors! Have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year ahead!!

BelleBeau said...

Hi David,

just catching up on my blog reading after Christmas. Still love that red splashback!! Seriously, it just looks great and I am sure now you have the time to sit back and contemplate how good it is, with a beer in hand, you must have a smile from ear to ear.

Happy New Year in your New Cremorne!!


Congrats on the carpet and all the furniture and blinds. You must have your family with you by now so will be feeling just like home.
Can't wait to see a pic of the finished theatre room with those red chairs in place.
Enjoy the New Year.

DeGaul said...

Hi guys. You can no doubt guess that I have had almost zero time at the PC. A warning to you all. When you get your keys, hold on tight. You lose 3 weeks of your life in the blink of an eye...!!
And if you don't normally have late nights, you are about to..!

I will endevour to do a blog update in the next few days.

Hysterical. Thanks for wishes. Hope your xmas and NY was/is a good one.

Belle'. I love my splash. I just wish I could find time to sit down with a beer and look at it...! I cooked on my BBBB for the first time last night. 15min to cook and 45min to clean. (Novelty factor very high..) Absolutely love it.

Gang. Yep family are in, as well as their 4.5 tonnes of stuff....!! I can certainly see some stealth tip runs over the next few weeks...! ssssshhhhh.....

Looking forward to readiung some good progress on each of your ripper houses in the new year.

Cheers guys

Toni said...

Steve's just messed up my kitchen with a delivery of boxes.

How is your house going today? Improving?

Have to agree with Perry's comment on how all our Cremornes are different. It's really interesting to see them all come together.

Happy New Year! See you soon.