Still here - Sunday 11/1/09

Hi all, and a very happy 09 to all of you.

We have been missing in action for a few weeks, as we have had to come to grips with taking delivery of a new home, and the stress and demands that come with it. Moving home is a massive task that simply cant be taken lightly, particularly when you have collected 22 years worth from the previous house...!! (Touchy subject....!!)

We officially moved into our house on Saturday 27th Dec. The move took 3 days. The first 2 days of deliveries saw the mighty Cremorne swallow up all before it, with everything finding a place. The 3rd day however was "junk day", and this is where the Cremorne burst at the seams............followed by the editor of this blog....!!

Anyway, 2 weeks on and we have become soooo happy with our house. Most items have now found homes, which has resulted in most rooms looking neat and uncluttered. There are still some rooms that are home to minor temporary storage, but this is short term.

We had our first "formal" dinner guests tonight, and the house passed the test with flying colours. Entertaining, cooking, layout, ambience etc.

We have found a few minor issues to raise with PD at 3 month inspection, but most are small quick fixes. The exception to this being our ceiling, which at night under lights looks totally crap...!! The kitchen and family room resemble the surface of the moon. We will be swapping out our current chinaman light fittings for downlights within the next 2 weeks, so I will be interested to see what these do to the appearance.

Anyway, some pics of a real-life Cremorne. .

This is where I sit.

Formal lounge.

Home Theatre. Love this room. Still housing our outside Alfresco suite, but will soon be transformed into our very own Gold Class.


Coffee stop

Food stop. Our fear during our build was that the pantry (while being big) wouldn't have enough shelf space. This fear dispelled.


Ok, for those thinking that we were never going to cook on our BBBB, here is the big boy in action. Beef stir-fry. Mrs G at the controls.
gggrrrr... Not happy Jan.....!! Not happy with PD allowing a cupboard door to spring open directly under a halogen downlight, and not happy with me falling for it. 1st night, and nearly had our first fire.
Upstairs Games room
Master suite.

My other fear during our build,. Would the two cars fit with room to move? Very happy and relieved with result.

Side fence up. Rapt with the space we have here. Certainly not an acreage, but enough room for ...... something. Still getting our ideas together.


BelleBeau said...

Wow David, you and Suzie have been very very busy. Glad to hear that everything fits in, the pictures are just fabulous, especially that red splashback!!!

OMG at your downlight issue. What can be done to fix it? Can the downlight be moved? Lucky you saw/caught it, terrible way to find the problem in your beautiful new house.

That home theatre room certainly does look like gold class from the pics, doubt we will see you guys for a while, those chairs look mighty comfy and the coffee stop such a short step away.

Congratulations again, I am sure it is a big relief to actually get totally moved in and "live in"


T&L said...

Hi Guys. Firstly, thanks for the kind words on our blog and secondly 'congratulations' on moving in. Wow, you haven't sat down during the christmas break - I can't believe how much you have done in that short time.

I see you have your priorities in place and got the Gold Class up and running ASAP - good to see :-) (PS I like your outdoor furniture)

Scary incident with the downlight - a little fore-thought on their part sometimes wouldn't go astray.

Great to see your settled in.

K AND T said...

WOW! ( Insert clapping hands here! )
Great job getting looks great, and great post too!
Hmmm, very scary downlight vs. door high are your doors/ceilings? So lucky you caught that in time.
I love that feature of the Cremorne that gives you that second little bench area where you have set up a coffee lovers heaven...fantastic!
Oh, and you even have blinds already..super organised!
Enjoy your new home - looks awesome! :-)

Bernadette and Perry said...

Great update DG. It's amazing that even thought we have the same house, they look totally different when you see the interior shots.

I can relate to the moving saga - we've done it twice in the past year, and it's something I don't want to go through again for quite some time. It's a nice feeling once you are in, and give someone else the keys to your old place.

Can't believe the downlight issue. You would think that as experienced builders, PD would have picked it up. I guess the light switch in the stairwell issue for all Cremornes prove that that they don't learn!

DeGaul said...

Hi guys, Nice hearing from you again. I should have mentioned in my blog that apart from being very busy, my temporary internet connection is an absolute snail, and definitely not blog/photo friendly....!!

The downlight V door was a real shock for us, more so as to what could have happened had we have not seen it when we did. Hopefully smoke alarms would have alerted us. Am contemplating replacing the door, although the damage may be restricted to the little rubber mould that goes around the outside of the doors. I am also looking in the hardware shops for some small rubber stops to prevent the doors springing to the open position.

Thanks for positive responses re HT, Coffee stop and progress since Xmas. It has been an absolute slog, and as Perry states, it's something you don't want to do often. Many of you will experience it again soon as you take delivery of your new houses. When that time comes, take a deep breath, and ensure the bar fridge is filled...!

Anonymous said...

Hey David!
Sensational photos and even though I really DO feel for you when it comes to cramming everything into a new home from the old home, I have to say that there is no other way than to be completely ruthless! Chuck, turf, piff, throw and sell!

The house looks amazing. You've made great progress considering you had Xmas in the midst of it all. I salute you!!

I laughed hysterically at the BBBB. Not the actual stove but that we own the same cookware.. Anolon Advance. I love mine and I can't cook with anything else. We'll have to have an Anolon cook-off soon.


R&C's Brookvale 45 Home said...

DG's, great to see all the progress you have made, the place looks great. Congrats on making it through. Yes the downlight is a funny one, one of those plans that don't just work. Hope PD are going to rectify it for you.


DeGaul said...

Hi L. Totally agree with you. Moving into a new house, new neighbourhood and new life-style is the perfect opportunity to start again fresh. Leave most stuff behind and replace with new, and ONLY as needed....!!

Very observant of you re cookware, but stuff the cook-off....I'm ready for a drink-off using Evans & Taylor beer glasses and Royal Selangor wine goblets...... hehe

Thanks R&C. Some good help is always handy once you get the keys. I have some very good friends to thank for helping with my floor, then the actual relocation. Not sure where we would have got without them.
Won't be long until you are there.


Thanks for all those photos - it is amazing how much you have achieved in such a short time. You must be very organised. It gives those amongst us that haven't moved in yet hope that we too can get there in the end!
Sorry to hear about the ceiling - as you mentioned in our blog, some plaster issues will not be evident until under lights. I am sure PD will fix at 3 months.
Keep up the good work and we know who to call when we move next month!

Awallace said...

Hi David & Family

Your home is looking great, love your home theatre..Simone and I are hanging out to see the latest movies at your place, while being served choc tops & pop corn...

Seems like you guys are getting settled, it takes a while. Window coverings are nice, great panel blinds.

The downlight, very interesting, esp with those high doors.

The ceilings, yes thats an interesting topic for all. Some are worse than others, depends on the guy who sanded the joints.. if you're not happy get it rectified at the 3 month inspection.

Hope your pockets arent empty, more moeny to spend...:)

Chat soon


Toni said...

Wow, looks great guys! Certainly looks lived in now :-) The upstairs games room could be an apartment within itself :-)

Can't believe the light damaged your cupboard door. Maybe if PD had of put the light in it's proper place to begin with they wouldn't be up for a new door now and yes I think that PD should be replacing this door and not you.

I think the space you have down your side is heaps. You'll be able to make a nice outdoor area there, especially with the opening out from the family room. You actually have the best of both worlds with the side part and then also the Alfresco.

Don't talk about ceilings.....I've stopped looking up at night time. I was fortunate enough to inspect our house a few nights before PCI and had a good look at our ceilings. However on PCI and handover day you could not see a damn thing! I tried really hard as did Steve and SS to no avail......will wait and see what happens at 3mth.

Sounds like you are all settled in and enjoying your new house. I still walk through mine every morning and think of my first walk through the display a year ago. It's a nice feeling :-)

DeGaul said...

Gday Gang. Yes not long to go for you. Very exciting.
Tip. Do a culling now. You won't regret it. Serious......

Andy. My pockets are now empty, so I will need to charge you Gold Class rates for a movie sitting, including the $6 choc tops. hehe
Movie night anytime mate. Let's arrange.

Hi Toni. So you have a dodgy ceiling as well? They can certainly look average under lights. I am counting on my downlights hiding it a bit.
Agree that it is a nice feeling to finally be living in it.
Look forward to catching up over next few weeks

Anonymous said...

Hey David,

I forgot to mention in my earlier comment about the location of that downlight and the damage to your door: Crapola! (not a real potty word). Talk about a design flaw!!!
This is definitely a PD job to rectify: replace the door and re-position the downlight. It's a serious safety issue. Keen to hear whether PD are going to fix this.

On another note, just be weary (contractually) of any repairs/maintenance you do yourself, because it may void that repair from being PD's obligation during the maintenance period. I know it's always easier to just do it yourself, but I'd be on the phone to PD for something like this. I'm still in shock that they allowed it to be built that way in the first place!!!!


awen said...

David,good to hear you have setlled in, been following your blog for a while. Inspired by your house :D And now finally decide to build Cremone.

If you don't mind can I PM you for few question in relation to the house :D?

DeGaul said...

awen. Happy to answer any questions you may have.
Fell free to drop them on mu blog or via email which can be found in my profile.

Toni said...

Weren't you putting up an update for us???? I keep checking! :-)